First of all, the dress needed a hem. Thank goodness - or we would not have been able to pull off what made it so awesome in the end! I ended up taking off 6"-7". I just did a simple rolled machine hem. Both layers.
Now it is hemmed. That was the easy part. (This picture was taken before the hem was pressed. Just so you know).
Aren't the details beautiful? The swags on the side are so Greek...and so Jane Austen...! I love how style details repeat themselves over time. True signs of greatness, if you ask me.
Well, my client wanted to follow the Pride and Prejudice theme, so we found this great inspiration picture. Good choice!
So here is what we have to work with - beaded and bejeweled straps. Pretty in themselves - but she wanted sleeves...
This was the fabric I cut off for the hem. It was all there was to work with - luckily the skirt had been quite full at the hem and we did have at least 6" which is exactly the length of sleeve she wanted! (I actually ended up using all but a few random inches of these scraps).
So I joined one long length of the hem together to make a tube (I did this for each sleeve) and gathered it on both ends. The fullness ratio ended being at least 4:1. We are going to use the original hem as part of this sleeve. The raw edge will be finished later.
I attached it to the dress and hand-sewed the underarm section in place.
Then I pinned it all to the straps and adjusted the fulness to be even along the whole length of the straps. It looked just like a sleeve! Mission accomplished. Next was the fitting. (No picture of this - just telling you so you don't get confused).
My client loved how it looked! So she gave the go-ahead to continue.
I attached the next sleeve in the same manner. Because of the beading on the straps, the best method was to hand-sew the rest of the sleeve to the straps, using small, strong stitches. I am loving how it has turned out!
Here is a closeup of the sleeve. You can see where the original hem is still showing - as a beautiful ruffly edge along the inside of the strap.
I used the miniscule pieces left of the cutoff hem to make narrow bands as a sleeve finish. Aren't they sweet?
Here is a back view to see how it looks from the back. Just as pretty as the front!
Final fitting and pickup! She loves it, can you tell? What a cute girl!
I can't wait to see her in full prom detail...her date is going to die!
A few more pictures of the details - they always look nicer on the girl than the hanger! It turned out just how she wanted it, too! It was like it was "meant to be"! It suited her so well. Ooh, so pretty...!
Scrumptious sleeve details...I think I need to wipe away my drool right now..and the silly grin on my face...
Even the back is beautiful! No, I really try not to brag, but it felt SO GOOD for this to turn out so lovely. Wouldn't you be proud?
Here she is on her prom date! Looks like she is having a great time!
She really looks like a Greek movie star - a goddess...
Some fuzzy closeups...
Now, I would have to say that THAT is the kind of prom dress experience to have - very breathtaking and very fulfilling!
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