First thing I did was get out my trusty red felt (Holy COW! I have used this a lot for my Valentine crafts this year!) I embroidered the names of each family member that I love (I guess that's all of them - 8 total in the house). I left lots of space on the felt so I could cut it into hearts later.
Then I traced around each name with my largest heart cookie cutter. I always use soap chips for marking.
Then I cut around each heart leaving more than 1/2" around the tracing.
Then I cut another layer similar in size and put it underneath. This will be the back of my heart.
Sew around the heart, starting to the right of the bottom point, just above the point, going all the way around (clockwise), leaving a hole to stuff it. Use pinking shears to cut close to the sewn edge, about 1/4" or a little more.
Then stuff the heart with polyfill or small batting scraps. I told my 6-year-old helper: "Stuff the bumps first, then stuff the point". He was eager to stuff. (Less eager to clip his nails. Sorry. He's a boy and couldn't care less. I'll get right on that...)
Then sew that last section shut, with your needle to the left. Be sure to backstitch.
Then I filled my basket with my family hearts. Pretty cute. I could use this for a centerpiece. At least on Valentine's Day. (Until then, the boys just walk around with it and play with the "stuffed name hearts".)
There sure is a lot of us...maybe I need a larger basket for these. Oh well, it will do for now.
Ooh, I just thought of another idea I could use them for...
Sorry they are a little wrinkly - just pulled then out of the bin and they will flatten when the plates get on them...yeah that was lazy).
I had made these placemats for my family several years ago. I still need to make one more - there have been 8 of us for a few years and now the "baby" permanently eats at the table...
Inspired by Conversation Hearts candy
(I also did this set for a client in totally different colorways. Different than traditional but still cute!)
This is how my table is set for tonight's dinner (for the kids). I am using these stuffed hearts for placecards! I put clear glass dinner plates so everyone can see their placemats!
Totally cute - they are excited to be "served dinner" on Valentine's Day. Then I get to go out with MY VALENTINE...heehee!
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