It has been a few years since we moved my daughter into this room.
The story is this: we have three bedrooms in this house that can be used for kids's rooms. (Until the basement is finished, which will be in a few years...) One bedroom has it's own bathroom. The other two bedrooms share a Jack-and-Jill bathroom. When we first moved into our house, we only had 2 boys and one girl. The boys had the room with the attached bathroom. The girl had one of the Jack-and-Jill bedrooms. My sewing room was the other Jack-and-Jill bedroom. It was great for a while.
Then I had a few more kids. And I moved my sewing room downstairs because the older boys needed that room. Add my last child...and I now have a grand total of 5 boys and 1 girl. It made more sense now to have all the boys sharing the Jack-and-Jill bedrooms and the only girl to have the room attached to it's own bathroom. Right?
I decided to move her into that room. By then, she had outgrown her toddler furniture and had more space in that room for more furniture. I also wanted that room to double as a guest room. In order for her to get her own special bathroom and make the room change, the deal was she'd have to be able to give up her room when we had guests. Then she got the good furniture (it used to be our master bedroom furniture).
But I was not ready to do any painting or redoing of anything yet. I still had other rooms to finish - my master bedroom still has not ever been painted - we have been in this house for almost ten years now...but that is coming sooner than ever now :). So all we did was make the move.
We did strip the boys' "construction trucks" wallpaper border down though at least. We left the blue paint above and the brown paint below, though. Ugly for a girl I know and so did she, but we were just making progress getting her moved. Baby steps toward the goal.
{I wish for real though that I could have kept this room a little longer for my other small boys now (not that they were not ripping the border to shreds in their beds...boys!) but it looked really cool with everything in there. And my daughter's old room was really beautiful too - I had painted a garden mural with a big tree and everything (I think I will post this later). If I had had the foresight, I would have arranged the rooms this way from the beginning and saved a lot of work but I have learned that we do not always GET that kind of insight...5 boys and 1 girl!!!!?!!!!} Moving on...
So she put her own stuff up on the walls and tried to cover the boyness of it all with her cute girl things. It was not the same of course, but progress was being made, it was a step toward a goal. Plus it gave us time to really figure out what we could do to make this room HERS. We bought paint about a year ago but it sat in her closet forever...
Well, this last weekend, my husband went with my son to 11-year old scout camp and my daughter did not have plans so we decided to bust out the paint and at least get the main color on. We just shoved all the furniture into the middle of the room and went for it.
It was a great time - I taught her how to roll the paint on, and after I did the taping and caulking, she did some cutting in with the brush while I rolled.
Ooh, that was fun covering up the old stuff and seeing that beautiful color come into view.
So here are the beginnings of the new room...
We have lots of fun new fabric treatments planned:
bedding, pillows, curtains, etc.
So stay tuned for all the fun stuff to come...

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