I have a sweet client whose baby girl is in real need of a crib set. She has been in her crib for a little while without a bumper pad and keeps losing her binkies in the night, down through the slats. So mama decided a bumper pad would definitely help with this problem. And of course that means a whole set, right?!
The crib sheet is a matching purple with a tiny polka dot print.
The bumper pad is always fun to put together. This time I used the long tube method. It all gets sewn up and then the batting-covered pads are inserted one by one up to the proper intervals, so they can bend at the tie placement. (Do you like the rubber duckie my son got into the picture?)
Look at all those pretty ruffles made from the same purple polka dot print as the sheet.
Here is a snag view of what it will look like when put together in the crib. Don't you love the combinations?
Wait until you see it with the comforter... (future post - we had to hurry and get the bumper pad and other things finished ASAP so baby girl does not lose any more sleep over lost binkies in the crib!)
And now to get these off to my client so she can take care of that problem! (I will get and post pictures of the whole crib set in place on the crib as soon as I can!)
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