Spring is here in full swing! Let's put away or get rid of the winter stuff!
(I actually enjoy what I call "Clothing Inventory" time in Spring and Winter. I check off what clothing we have stored and what needs to be added that I could not find on clearance the season before.)
Here is one idea I love!
I really love these long sleeve shirts for colder weather - but what about when spring hits and there is still lots of good life left in the shirt?
Or what if it's not spring, but your son has trashed his sleeves because that's what happens to white sleeves when they belong to a boy?
Well, you can get rid of it (if it is so dirty and trashed - obviously toss it - unless you can do my "cheater" trick) OR pack it away for the next boy (remember I have five of them) OR save it in hopes it will fit that same boy next year, OR you can make it into a short-sleeve shirt!
This "cheater" trick only works on those sleeves where the short sleeve is attached to a long sleeve, to look like it is double layered.
All you have to do is turn it inside out, and cut off the long sleeve part! Cut it carefully - right next to the seam where it is attached.
Then turn it back right side out and it's done! A brand new shirt for spring and summer!
He seems thrilled with the new life of his shirt! And for the awesome weather we have been having here in Colorado.
I think Spring is my favorite! (Until Fall rolls along and I wish it could just be a longer season here...)
But the new growth and warmer and longer days have such a renewing feeling to them, don't you think? I love my daffodils and tulips that greet me first and Mmmm, I can smell the lilacs from the backyard...
One of my favorite blogs, http://www.makeit-loveit.com/ is doing a similar post right now about cutting off pants turning them into shorts
She does a great job! This is another thing I do in the Spring to Recycle or "Upcycle" my kids clothing to stretch them out just one more season!
What can you do to lengthen your kids' wardrobe?
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