I was looking for a cute but very simple idea for my Beginning Sewing students' group class. This group was ages 7-9 and they were literally on their second lesson with their brand new machines. I saw this on Pinterest and knew it would be a perfect way for them to practice their straight stitches.
{Sweet Bee Buzzings}
Here's what I did to prep:
1. Gather felt fabric to cut hearts.
2. Cut in strips a few inches wide. Fold in half longways with the fold toward you.
3. Cut half hearts on the fold with fabric scissors. When you open the fold, your heart is full. ;)
4. Sort your hearts in piles by color.
Lots of hearts to make lots of chains.
I thought the strips were really cool too, and I did not throw them away...I'm sure they can turn into something really cool later...
Sew them together in a chain. Basically, I had my students start with one heart - start at the top between the two bumps - sew a straight line from there to the bottom point. About halfway to the point, though, stop sewing and choose your next heart (this was good for them to make their own "pattern" too - red, white, pink - or random, however they wanted). Put your next heart right under the bottom point. The pieces nested perfectly into one another. Then they just kept going in that manner, sewing in a straight line through all the heart pieces.
They did a beautiful job! I sent them home with tons of hearts to "practice" and make chains to hang all over their houses or bedrooms for Valentine's Day.
Mine are hanging on the door of my Sewing Studio.
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These are cute! I'm pinning them...maybe for next Valentine's Day. :-)