January 30, 2012

Blue & Gold: Cub Scout Fun

Having five boys means that when the first son enters Cub Scouts, you better be ready because you, as a parent, will be involved in the Scouting program FOR.EVER. My husband and I figured out that from when our oldest son started as a cub scout in 2004, until our youngest son leaves Boy Scouts in high school, it will be 2027. That's 23 years, people.

That's a lot of Pinewood Derby cars, Blue & Gold Banquets, Day Camps, Raingutter Regatta boats, Pack meetings, Arrows of Light, etc. And that is just Cub Scouts. Boy Scouts is a whole 'nother load of new and different things.

So I thought I'd better decide to enjoy this time in my boys' lives.

We just had our Cub Scout troop's annual Blue & Gold party. Our troop's tradition is to have the dads and boys make cakes together {and moms are not allowed to help - does this really happen?} Here are my two boys' great cake creations.

Here they are excited to mix and bake their cakes. It's the night before the Blue & Gold.

The morning after: Eric is busy frosting and creating as he goes. And yes that is coconut pecan frosting from a can. Little brother is watching, anticipating his day to make the cake.

He frosts his cake to look like dirt and rocks and desert. He decorates with army guys and other items from his prized miltary set.

Eric's Military Cake is done! Here it is from all angles.

Bradley had to make his frosting from scratch. It had to be grey. He is a little nuts when the beater starts going FAST! Such a boy.

Now to frost and decorate. He is making the front of a microwave. The buttons are marshmallows with numbers on them. There is even a handle. It's funny because his first big word was "Microwave". I can still hear his cute voice yelling it!

Here are all the views of Bradley's Microwave Cake.

The boys proudly display their creations, in uniform, looking snazzy!
Ready to enter the contest. Everyone who attends gets to vote for their favorite. (Big brother - who made his share of these cakes - was at Boy Scouts that night, but even he stopped by to vote for his brother's cakes. And to eat them after...)

Bradley received some awards he had earned toward his Webelos.

Eric received his Bobcat award that night.

Here is dad (also Bradley's Webelos leader) with Kevin, our youngest. Kevin will totally know what to do when it is his turn.

The votes were tallied and our Eric won "People's Choice - the Grand Champion" for the best cake of the night. Good job honey!

It turned out to be a fun night - we were proud of both boys' creations and accomplishments!

Do you have a Cub Scout?

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  1. I LOVE these cakes! I have 3 children. Daughter, 20, Girl Scout gold award recipient and Venturer, Son 18, Eagle Scout and Venturer, and a Son 15, Star Scout. You will be involved forever...so enjoy and have fun! We were involved in our Cub Scout pack for 9 years and I have been involved in Girl Scouts/Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts/Venturing for 14 years! I hope you enjoy! :D

    1. Thank you! I plan to enjoy it for as long as it lasts! Congrats on your kids' scouting too!

  2. Okay-wait-what? You have five boys? I do too! Hubby and I have been in our Scout program for the last five years, and I'm pretty sure we'll be serving there for time and all eternity!!

    We have our B&G tonight, with an Arrow of Light, AND our oldest's first Klondike tomorrow night. EEEK! I'm nervous for that one!

    I love the cakes, your boys are adorable, and isn't the Scout program the best? It makes good boys better and gives us an opportunity to do some really fun things with our little men! :)

    Sorry--longest comment ever...



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